Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Letters to our kids

Dear Sophie, Brooklyn and Jaxon: I cannot tell you how thankful we are that God has chosen us to be your family! His hand has been in this adoption from the very beginning of time. We are ready for you to get to your new home in Oklahoma! We have friends and family that want to meet you so badly! We will stop at nothing to bring you home. We will fight for you and walk through fire for you! We pray for you everyday. We pray for God to keep you safe and for the adoption paperwork to go quickly. We pray for you to stay healthy and happy and for you to feel the love of God and the love of your family. We are so excited for you to start your life with us! Sophie, I love that you are full of energy, love and expression. You are so passionate and I can't wait to see you harness that passion and achieve the things in life that God wants you to. I love that from the beginning of the world, God knew that you were our daughter. I love that He even made you look like me! :-) you are so special and I know that God has a huge plan for your life. I love you so much, Sophie Girl. Brooklyn, your sweet nature and quiet temperate draws me in. I want to know what you are thinking. Your eyes tell a beautiful story and I can't wait to see the rest of the story unfold. You, my dear, are my miracle. As we waited to know if we would ever be matched with a baby, you were rescued. Heather knew that you were our daughter well before we did! But the moment I met you, I knew. Heather handed you to me and I felt as though I had just given birth. You were my daughter. You had always been my daughter. It was just right. I can't wait for you to come home and for us to see you come into your own personality. You have friends here already that carry your picture around! Jaxon, my sweet, sweet son. How I love you. You are so peaceful. It's amazing to me how you thrive in any environment you are put in. I always wanted a boy...and good luck, because you have 3 older sisters! You are so loving and such a cuddler. You were our confirmation from God that we were doing the right thing in proceeding with an international adoption. I know that your daddy can't wait to have a son to kick a soccer ball with and wrestle around with. You are so loved! I pray daily that God will continue holding you and comforting you. I believe that is what has kept you so relaxed so far. I know that God has big plans for you, son. I pray that you will become a strong, courageous man of God and you will be able to minister to the people of Haiti as an adult. I can't wait for you to be in your new forever home. Kids, we hope that you can feel the prayers and love that cover you on a daily basis. Please know that when we aren't there to hold you, your Heavenly Father is. He will hold you and protect you. He will wipe your tears and sing in your ear. He will tuck you in at night before you sleep and He will listen to your prayers. He will be there for you now in Haiti, and He will still be with you when you come to your forever home. We pray that you will always feel our love, but more importantly, we pray that you will always feel God's love. We are so ready for you to forever be DONAHO'S!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Isn't it neat...

I LOVE watching God work. Like really work. And it's always really evident in the bigger than life-huge miracle that can't be explained-MAJOR areas in your life ways...but all too often, we overlook the little ways God really shows up and moves in our life. When we started this adoption process from Haiti, we had NO IDEA what we were doing...we just stepped in faith feeling quite alone...knowing that God was going to be there to catch us...and we aren't at the end of this journey! I'm sure there will be a TON of twists and turns in this road we call ADOPTION. But one thing I am SOOOOO thankful for is the people that God has put  in our lives to walk this road with us. Other moms and dads and siblings...waiting...waiting...waiting. Some how, the waiting seems a smidge easier when you aren't waiting alone. I am so thankful for the friendships that are beginning to form and I know it's just the start!

One family in particular, I am pretty sure was a completely God ordained meeting...Tracie and Kelly Ward had a failed domestic adoption last year and that sad, sad situation brought them to the exact same creche we were adopting from in Haiti. What's even cooler??? They live 15 minutes from us! And even cooler???This last time I was in Haiti was their first trip to Haiti and we got to really BECOME FRIENDS! Totally God Ordained. Well, the Wards are bringing home 2 kids and the Donahos are bringing home 3 kids...so math wizards...that's 5 HAITIAN KIDDOS finding forever homes right here in Green Country! It's also ALOT of money to bring that many home! So after much conversation, Tracie and I decided we could do bigger events as joint frundraising efforts and split the money! We are SOOOO excited about this partnership! Check out our facebook page at www.facebook.com/hopehappens.adoption

And stay tuned...events in the works include monthly "Night of Praise" events, a 5K and auctions galore!!!

We can't thank our friends and family enough for the support we have and are continuing to receive. and please, don't forget to continue to pray Sophia Jordyn Donaho, Brooklyn Rae Donaho, Jaxon Robert Donaho, London  Elizabeth-Joy Ward and Samuel Christian Ward HOME!!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day

As we walk down this road of adoption, there are definitely harder days and easier days. This weekend is Mother's Day (there's your official reminder). For some reason, I didn't anticipate that being a hard thing. But as I think about the fact that 3out of 4 of my kids are in another country away from their mother, it makes me sad. I'm really trying hard to soak up every moment I can with Raley while she's an only child, but I can't help but think of the fact that I am a mother to 4 kids, yet on Sunday, I'll only be spending the day with one of them. This is kind of a "woe is me" type blog, but guess what?? It's my blog and I can cry if I want to! ;-) all of this to say, I'm excited that we are potentially to the point where this COULD be my LAST Mother's Day without all of my kids. I'm excited that as holidays bum me out and seeing kids that are about the same age as my Haiti kids in bum me out, we are to the point where I can say, "this time next year...". I am also reminded to be thankful that i at least have my kids. There are some that i now who have lost children and will be reminded of that on this Mother's Day. I am thankful that i have my mother. Even though she is in another state, i have her. So many i know will be thinking about the fact that they dont have mother on this Mother's Day. I am hopeful. I am peaceful. I am thankful.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Miracles happen

Ok, my goal is to blog at least once a week. I have decided that it can really help me thought this whole adoption process. There are steps that are happening to bring Sophie, Brooklyn and Jax home, but still SOOOO many steps left. Currently, our paperwork is in pre-IBESR (IBESR is basically Haitian Social Services). This is where the decision will come on whether or not we need a presidential dispensation. We are PRAYING HARD for our paperwork to sail through this office without needi this presidential signature. This would be the difference in our adoption taking 8 months or 18 months...and we want them home soon! So, please join us in prayer that our paperwork would just fly through these offices. One thing that I LOVE about Giving Hope is the fact that they have made a private Facebook page for parents adopting through them. This has given us the opportunity to make friends with people who are walking through the exact same thing that we are. And when you are walking through fire, it's nice to be able to join hands with others and feel your way through the fire TOGETHER! I know the friendships we have made will be life long. It also gives us the ability to allow our kids to have life long friendships with their friends that they lived with in Haiti! How cool is that?!?! For those of you that know me well (and maybe even not so well), you know that I really like to have control of things. The crazy thing is, in adoption, especially international adoption, you relinquish ALL control. But luckily, as a believer,I know that my Heavenly Father has COMPLETE control! I'm so thankful for that! And don't think I don't have to give up my control on ALMOST a daily basis, because, goodness...I do. I'm thankful that Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the plans He has for me (and you, and Alex, Raley, Sophie, Brooklyn and Jaxon!) He knew this plan for adoption LONG before we felt the call. He had Sophie, Brooklyn and Jaxon picked to be Donaho's. I love that! It's all part of His perfect plan. As hard, painful, scary, crazy, miraculous and beautiful as this process is...it's ALL HIS PLAN.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Open the Flood Gates

"Adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this broken world. And every single day, it is worth it, because adoption is God's heart. His Word says, 'In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will' (see Ephesians 1:5). He set the lonely in families (see Psalm 68:6). The first word that appears when I look up adoption in the dictionary is ACCEPTANCE. God accepts me, adores me even, just as I am. And He wants me to acccept those without families into my own." From Kisses From Katie

So, I am really bad at keeping up with a blog...obviously. and it seems like everytime I update this blog, we have a big announcement. Sooo, let me tell you a story:

I was told a few years ago, when we decided that we were being called to adopt, that once you answer the call to adoption, the flood gates will open. There are 2 people in my life who have adopted SEVERAL kids and this statement was coming form one of them. I laughed at her and said, "You don't know my husband...we will ONLY have 2 kids total." Already having Raley, that meant adding one by way of adoption. Well, its no surprise that we started the journey to intenationally adopt from Haiti and God led our hearts to 2 kids being added to our family. We just delivered our dossier to Haiti to start the legal process to make Brooklyn and Jaxon "offical" Donaho's. What we didn't expect, though, is the call to add one more Haitian princess to our lives. Yes...you heard right...We will be bringing home 3 kids! If that's not "flood gates opening", I don't know what is. Our newest addition will fit right in between Raley and Brooklyn. She  will turn 5 this Friday on May 4th. Many of you have heard her story. Her name is Sophia Jordyn Donaho (aka Sophie). Here is her beautiful face:

Seriously, how could you NOT fall in love with her!!!!

She has one of the most heart wrenching stories I have EVER heard. A story that spoke right to my heart waaayyyyy before God showed us that she was ours. She is a "true orphan" meaning that both of her parents are dead. She lost them both in the 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti when she was 2 years old...somehow, she made it and her parents didn't. She survived on her own for about 2 months as a toddler, in the mountains of Haiti living out of trash heaps and sleeping in the dirt. Then Heather heard about her and went to rescue her. She is now a giggly, thriving almost 5 year old...she is extremely active and friendly. She is passionate, fiesty, and ornery. She loves to swim and loves to play. She is trusting of others and loves making new friends.

I know that adopting 3 kids from another country, all at one time moves us from, "oh, thats sweet...they are adopting" to "HOLY COW!!!! THEY ARE ADOPTING THREE KIDS ALL AT ONE TIME...THEY ARE OFFICIALLY CRAZY!" in some of your books...but we are content and know this is what we are called to do. We welcome your prayers of support and would be happy to answer any questions you may have...we are thrilled to now be...DONAHO PARTY OF 6!

"Adopting these children is not optional. It is not my good deed for the day; it is not what I am doing to 'help out these poor kids'. I adopt because God cammands me to care for the orphans and widows in their distress. I adopt because Jesus says that to whom much is given, much will be demanded (see Luke 12:48) and because whoever finds his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for HIS sake will find it. (See  Matthew 10:39)" - Kisses From Katie

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Ok, folks, we are going to start fundraising full force to bring Brooklyn and Jaxon home. I had NO IDEA how hard it would be to get through the process of international adoption! I am a little bit of a control freak and not having control over what my children are doing, who is caring for them, what they are eating or what their daily schedule is is KILLING ME! I'm having to learn that as much as I love my kids, their heavenly Father loves them even more...and guess what?!?! He DOES have control over their day-to-day lives! So anyway, what I can do while I wait is raise money to eliminate some of the cost we will incurr.
Sooooo, we are going to have a Chick-Fil-A fundraiser meal on Saturday, February 18th. The exact time and place is still being ironed out. The cost of each meal is $6 and you can RSVP to donahopartyof4@yahoo.com. At this event, we will also have a silent auction being held with items donated. If you make any type of craft or sell any sort of item that you would like to place in the auction, please let me know! We will also have puzzle pieces available for purchase. Please see below the description of how this fundraiser works. This is also a perfect time for you to return your change baby bottles if you haven't done it by then...I don't have a to of extra time for big fundraisers, so this is probably the last BIG one we will do...We will try to do a few more little ones. I hope you will join us for this family event...more info to follow!

I have seen this on several adoption blogs as a fundraiser people have done to raise money. We have purchased a 250 piece puzzle for Brooklyn and a 250 piece puzzle for Jaxon. The idea is that individuals or families can purchase one (or more) puzzle piece for $10 each. When you purchase the piece, turn to the back of the puzzle and write your name, family's name, a scripture reference, word of encouragement or whatever you want the kids to have as a memory. Then you leave the puzzle piece with us. When the puzzle has been completely sold, we will assemble it, glues it and frame it with the back displayed through the frame. We will hang these puzzles in their room so they will always remember how many people had a hand in them coming home. It will be a great keepsake for them always.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

WE ARE PREGNANT...and expecting TWO!!!!

Well, friends...it's been a  long road to growing our family in the way that God has called us to, but it's finally here! My heart is pregnant with a beautiful girl...and a beautiful boy! I know, I know...this blog is called "Donaho Party of 4", not Donaho Party of 5! Just goes to show you that God knows more than we do! Let me start from the beginning...
As, you know, my friend Heather lives in Haiti caring for God's children there. She has over 70 children in her creche that are eligible for adoption. In September, Heather came to America and spent some time with us. Right before she came to the states, she rescued a 1 year old little girl. She called me and explained that she had a bond with this child that she had never felt before. Heather has adopted 7 times herself and is in process for a few Haitian adoptions, so I asked her if it was a bond like she was supposed to adopt her...she said no...I asked her if we were supposed to adopt her and she said she didn't know...this little girl just had a special place in her heart.
While she was here in the states, after several conversations, Alex and I began seriously talking about adopting a sibling group from her creche. We felt like that was what God was calling us to do...therefore, this little girl was out of the question for us. We weren't adopting a sibling group AND her! So, I felt like we were just supposed to seek God to find out which kids he had for us. I knew it would be clear when the right sibling group was available. However, this whole time, I just kept thinking about this special little girl...I prayed that God would pick her family and that Heather would know the right family for her to go to.
When Heather left Oklahoma, she spent some time in Virginia. One day in October, I got this random text from her telling me to check her facebook page and look at the new baby that they took in in Haiti. She called me then and said that the little girl's birth mother dropped by the mission and dropped off a newborn baby boy. My heart dropped into my feet! This little girl that Heather and I couldn't move past was a sibling group now! I was completely speechless at that point and I knew that God was confirming to me that these were our kids.
In October, I was able to go to Haiti and spend some time with them. This Christmas, Alex, Raley and I were all able to go spend 9 days with them. We had them in a hotel with us 24 hours a day and lived as a family for that week and a half. So now, we are OFFICIALLY MATCHED!!! They are our kids! They are now, 17 months and 4 months. 

Brooklyn Rae Donaho will be 2 on July 20 and Jaxon Robert Donaho will be 1 on August 31st. They are BEAUTIFUL, healthy and lovable babies. Brooklyn is SUCH a Daddy's girl! We couldn't pry her out of Alex's arms! Jax is so laid back and appears that he will be my mama's boy, but he is pretty content with anyone loving on him! We are SOOOO excited to welcome them into our family! If all goes as planned, we will have them in our home in 2012. We know it will be a looonnnggg year, but we also know that the blessing of being smack dab in the middle of God's will for our family is HUGE!!! :-) We know that there have been many ups and downs for anyone who has followed us on this journey, but we feel like we are without a doubt, on the road that God has called us to! There will be more info on them to follow...more pictures of them...and more trips to Haiti!